Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Personal Injury Lawyer (Slip and Fall)

By Lenell Burke

Selecting a Personal Injury Lawyer Made Easy

Were you injured in a slip and fall incident and are now looking for a personal injury lawyer? If so, you are in the right place!

Selecting a personal injury lawyer is no small task. So often, someone will choose an attorney simply because they saw one of their ads on television or because they had the biggest ad in the local yellow pages. Trust me when I say, this is not the way to select the person that will be representing you.

First, you will want to contact several different law firms. Most reputable firms will give a free in person consultation. Make appoints with them and meet with them to explain your case. While you are there, ask the attorneys questions such as how long they have been practicing in the field, what there experience is with the company you will be suing, and most importantly, what kinds of results they have had with cases that are similar to yours.

Another thing to look at are attorneys that guarantee that you will not be charged unless you win your case. This can be good for those without much money to hire representation, but sometimes these types of firms will charge a higher percentage. Make sure you get quotes so you can verify.

Most importantly of all, go with the attorney that makes you feel comfortable. They will be your representation. You should be confident that they will get you the results you desire

Hurt and need a Minneapolis MN personal injury lawyer or just need additional information about personal injury please visit the website of Meshbesher & Associates.

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